A Simple Hack To Being More Productive

A Simple Hack To Being More Productive

I was never "lazy" as a high schooler, I just procrastinated a lot.

When a project or assignment was given out, instead of using the full time frame to work on it, I'd wait to the last minute when the pressure is high.

I couldn't tell you why I procrastinated so much.

I personally used to believe I work better when my back was against the wall. I still got good grades on my assignments - even with last minute work.

I soon realized the older I got the more I should appreciate the time given to work on different things.

While I waited last minute to work on a project, just imagine how much more I could've probably done if I had actually maximize the amount of time to work on it.

Fast forward to today, I created a simple little hack that helps me stay productive and more focused every day without having to even think too hard.

Let me tell you.

3 High 4 Low

When I first started my business years ago, my biggest issue was never knowing what to focus on and what to put for later.

This created a lot of confusion for myself and I eventually ended up doing more of the wrong things and less of the right things.

Things like working on my logo, website, or revising my business plan every week wasn't ever going to get me no where.

I mean it probably would've made me a professional at those 3 skills( lowkey did) but I wasn't going to get the results I really wanted if I kept focusing on those non priority things.

This led me to figuring out how to simplify my business to the most important task.

You need 7 tasks:

- 3 High Priority

- 4 Low Priority

You start off by picking 3 High Priority task that needs to be done(this works for business, personal development, just life period.)

These 3 task are the needle moving task that will get you closer to your goal.

They can range from things that are either the most time consuming or the ones you simply just rather not do; so you do them first to get it out the way.

The 4 Low Priority task are still very important but you saves those for last.

These are the task you can do throughout the day because chances are these task are easy for you to do and may not take up too much time.

By front loading the heaviest, most time consuming tasks to the front of your day, you give yourself grace to move a little more freely throughout the day.

The big bonus is if you complete all 7 tasks then you just aced your entire day, but even if you didn't do all 7 at least you were still able to get the BIG 3 needle moving tasks out the way.

So at the end of the day, growth has been achieved.

Time Blocking

I speak of the power of time blocking a lot in my new ebook You In 6 Months.

Time blocking is simply setting aside time within your day to knock out the important task you have set for the day.

Stop the constant repeating of the same common pain points like:

"I dont have enough time."

"I'll start this next month"

"The day just isn't long enough"

We're all give the same 24 hours in a day and its only up to you to maximize how you use each and every hour of your day.

Instead of complaining about how much time you don't have start maximizing the amount of time you do have and just start with that.

You really only need 30 minutes to 1 hour a day to start seeing growth over time.

Most people spend several hours binge watching Big Mouth on Netflix or rewatching the entire series of Power( hell sometimes I do to.)

But instead of wasting hours of watching tv take that same hour and put it toward your goals.

Make a planner to actually track and document your day to day life. (There's also a digital planner included with the free eBook)

Habits like these make you more productive and get you one step closer to your goals.

Think of Failure

This last hack is more so of a mindset more than anything.

Think about your future.

Think about the car you want to drive. The house you want to live in. The amount of money in your bank account.

Envision all the glory and success you've been wishing for.

All that shit can be stripped away just as fast as you envisioned it when you dont act on the tasks that need to be done for growth.

Hell, it'll never come true if you never start acting on the important task to begin with.

Whenever I feel myself about to say "I'll do this tomorrow", I instantly start thinking about what my life will look like if I dont do what that said task is.

Truthfully the thought of failure should scare the shit out of you.

That anti-vision should be your motivator to remain productive and keep going hard at achieving your goals.

The more we act on our goals today, the more productive we become.

The more productive we become, the more likely the odds of our goals coming true.

This is only achieved with the right mindset to completing your goals. (I have another free guide to achieving goals with a warrior mindset here)

So what's the word Rasta Man?

Act now and focus in on the 3 most important things you need to do in order to grow and scale your life, fitness or business.

Set aside time for those task so you cam make sure that you are being accountable for the hours in your day to work on your self.


Rasta Riek aka "The Rasta Man"


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